St.Andrews taxi to Ninewells hospital Dundee

Taxi to Ninewells hospital Dundee.

For minor injuries you can consult St.Andrews community hospital on Largo Road, St Andrews KY16 8AR.
The Minor Injury Unit (MIU) at St Andrews Community Hospital can be contacted directly on 01334 465683.

Taxi fare to Dundee Ninwells hospital
Taxis to Dundee Ninewells hospital

Examples of minor injuries:

Sprains and strains, broken bones, injuries to your arm, injuries to your lower legs – from your knee to your foot, cuts and grazes, burns and scalds, eye injuries, minor head injuries, insect and animal bites.

The clinic does not treat major injuries:
Stomach pains, pregnancy related problems, mental health problems, chest pains, breathing problems, conditions likely to require hospital admission or problems already being dealt with by your GP (Doctor).

If someone is at risk:

Call 999 and ask for the ambulance service. 

(Note:  If you are using a phone in a Hall of Residence, the number to ring is 9-999).
For other help and assistance call NHS 24 on 08454 242424 where you will speak to a nurse on the phone who can give you advice and, if necessary, arrange further assistance for you.
You may be referred to the NHS 24 Hour Assessment Centre at St Andrews Community Hospital.

How much is a taxi from Ninewells Hospital to:

A Taxi fare from St.Andrews to Ninewells hostpital in Dundee usually costs between £45-£55

  • Taxi fare from Edinburgh airport to Ninewells hospital £110 (incl. meet and greet)
  • Taxi fare from Glasgow airport to Ninewells hospital £140 (incl. meet and greet)