Travel by taxi to St Andrews vs car rental

If you are planning your trip to St Andrews you might be asking what is best rent a car or a taxi?

Book a taxi or hire a rental car? Rental cars seem to be the obvious choice because of the freedom they offer. However, taxi cabs can sometimes be a better idea, depending on what part of the country or world you will be traveling.

The answer depends on a few more factors.

Are you experienced or confident to drive on the left side of the road?
Can be tricky on your first time driving visit to the Uk

Do you require to travel much outside of St Andrews?

StAndrews town center is pretty much reachable everywhere by foot and taxis are readily available near most places in a 10 min walk.
There’s a reasonably well organized public transport network connecting St Andrews with nearby villages.

Do you need to stay on a certain budget?

With rental cars, you know what your costs will be ahead of time, so there’s no guess work involved. With added tips and unexpected trips or traffic jams, the cost of a taxi can easily fluctuate. However for taxi pre-booked taxi fares you know exactly what to expect!
Taxi prices in St Andrews are reasonable all through especially if you book in advance.

Parking in the town center during the day is mostly from £50pence or £1 minimum per hour. Free parking spaces are situated outside of town. Max 24hours!
A number of St Andrew’s Hotels in town provide private parking included in the price!

Drink Drive?
A new law has come into force which makes the legal drink-drive limit in Scotland lower than elsewhere in the UK.
The change reduces the legal alcohol limit from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood.
For most people, it takes about an hour to process one unit of alcohol – so it could take up to 12 hours to be safe to drive after drinking a bottle of wine.
If you’re going spend a lot of time at night clubs or bars, a cab offers the peace of mind of always having a designated driver.

Travel by taxi to St Andrews vs car rental?

Unless your planning a lot of off strip sightseeing or shopping your better off with a Taxi.